Steve Wastell, a Neston Town Councillor, will be representing the Conservatives in the Neston by-election on 6th May.
Steve grew up in Neston and is now happily retired here. If elected, he has promised to stop Neston being forgotten by our current Labour Council.
Here are Steve's top priorities for our town:
- Fix Potholes in Neston. The UK Government has given the Council an extra £4.4 million for pothole repairs. I’ll make sure Neston gets its fair share to keep our roads safe.
- Protect Neston Tip Against Proposed Changes. Labour are currently consulting on a new waste collection system, including changes to the tip arrangements. I’ll fight to keep Neston tip open when we need it.
- Tackle Local Dog Mess. Most dog owners are responsible and pick up after their dogs. But we need the Council to do more to keep our streets clean and tackle the problems created by a small minority of dog owners.
- Protect the Greenbelt. I’ll continue to oppose development on the Greenbelt and support local residents to ensure developments prioritise affordable housing whilst protecting our green spaces.
- Fight for better transport. Neston needs better transport links. I’ll work with groups across the community to fight for better connections, more regular services and improved station facilities.
- Find A Solution to Parking Problems. Many local residents have contacted me about parking by Neston High. I’ll support local residents to work with the school and the police to find a long-term solution to this issue.