I am currently leading a campaign to retain this iconic red telephone box in Little Neston. So the question arises, why am I doing this? Well there are a number of reasons but here are a few to get started.
1. Public phone boxes provide a vital service to the local community. I accept that most people have land-lines and mobiles now, but not everyone does, and it is particularly the most vulnerable in society that don't.
2. The mobile network in Neston is variable to say the least. None of the networks have all round coverage.
3. The BT lines are also not above failing. How often have you seen a BT van and engineer at the green boxes around Neston, repairing the poor line connections? I see them at least weekly.
4. Passers by may have need of a public phone particularly in an emergency e.g a car accident or a medical crisis.
5. We now have a 42 day consultation to make the case to retain the box. Well, that box has been used 85 times in the last 12 months - that clearly shows a need. What more consultation is required? I know of one box in Cheshire that was retained when it had only been used twice in the previous twelve months!
6. Once it's gone, it's gone. It would never be replaced - can't you hear the "excessively high costs of reinstatement" arguments already?
7. This is about a community service - one of the last things BT can genuinely offer to the area. Because let's face it, given the millions they make in profit each year, BT do precious little for us. How's your broadband for example? In Little Neston and Burton ward it's not great ... I know because I get lots of emails about it. So isn't it right that BT should be reminded of one of their core responsibilities to the community?
8. And actually, you know, unlike others who are entering this debate, I live in my ward, I am a resident and I too have a voice, not only as the elected representative who polled more votes than anyone else in this ward, but also to stand up and to speak out when I think it's right. I'm happy to listen to the voices of the local residents, but I am prepared to justify the stance I am taking, and I think I've made a good start here.
So, there you have it. I'm happy to discuss this with anyone who cares to contact me.
Councillor Nige Jones