Brian Anderson, your Conservative candidate for Whitby Groves, has written the below letter to local residents.
Dear resident,
I’m Brian Anderson. I’m a retired local government official and former Cheshire West & Chester Councillor who cares passionately about the future of Whitby Groves and our town.
I’m sick to death of seeing our community let down by this Labour Council. I want to change things for our area. That’s why I’m standing to be your Councillor.
Just look at Council Tax. Since Labour took control, Council Tax is up by 40% - and we’re paying extra for basic services, such as green waste collection. It’s unacceptable for the Council to tax us all more, but fail to provide quality basic services.
As your Councillor, I will deliver the Conservative plan to scrap the Green Bin Tax, end Labour’s massive Council Tax rises, bring back Free After 3 car parking and invest an extra £1.5 million in our roads and pavements.
These are my priorities and as a former Councillor I have the track record to deliver on them for you. But I can only do it with your support. When you cast your vote, use it to vote for me and a better future for Whitby Groves.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Anderson